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We offer SEND support to children and families, tailored to the individual needs of the child. Each consult includes an in-depth conversation with the family, a review of all relevant reports and information and a written action plan aimed at establishing support for your child. Example of support includes: 

  • Dyslexia diagnostic assessments.

  • Early identification of SEND. This may include working with your child’s school to implement a provision, interacting with multi-agencies and exploring the correct school places for your child.   

  • Providing advice and guidance to families who are considering a needs assessment, are reviewing an EHCP draft for their child or have pending annual reviews. 

  • Helping young adults with SEND to consider their pathways after formal education. We can offer support and guidance with exam Access Arrangements, university and college suitability and Disability Student Allowances (DSA). 

This service is bespoke to a family’s individual circumstance and charged on an hourly/ half day/day rate.

SEND Services Northants

©2024 by SENDServicesNorthants

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