SEND Services Northants provides high-quality advice, guidance and support to all within the field of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).
We specialise in:
- Working alongside school leaders, SENDCOs and practitioners to ensure the needs of children with SEND are effectively met and that all statutory requirements are in place.
- Supporting and signposting families seeking guidance for their children who require access to SEND provisions.
- Conducting full Dyslexia diagnostic and Access Arrangement assessments
- Offering a range of 1:1 specialist tuition support packages for children and young adults with special educational needs.
Please view our SERVICES for more information or fill out our contact form if you have any questions.
SEND support to children and families, tailored to the individual needs of the child.
Dyslexia diagnostic and Access Arrangement assessments to children and young adults in the Northamptonshire area.
Specialist 1:1 tuition service aimed at providing continual, targeted support to children and young adults with SEND.
Guidance and advice to schools/colleges seeking to strengthen and develop their SEND provision.

About Pip Bates...
Pip Bates, SEND Services founder, is a qualified SENDCO and a specialist SpLD Assessor and teacher. With over 18 years experience in both primary and secondary education, she has an excellent understanding of best practice and the statutory requirements underpinning high quality SEND provision.
Pip has taught a range of academic subjects within the classroom and led highly successful inclusion programmes, for all ages. The specialist small group and 1:1 interventions have effectively targeted all areas of SEND.
Pip is an associate member of the Professional Association of Teachers of Students with Specific (PATOSS) and holds a valid APC (Assessment Practising Certificate) and enhanced DBS (Disclosure and Barring Services).